All subscriptions are a recurring purchase for a minimum of 3 reoccurring purchases before cancelation.

We offer:

  • 20% discount for monthly subscriptions.
  • 10% discount for bi-monthly subscriptions.
  • 5% discount for tri-monthly subscriptions

Get Your Favorite Fragrances Delivered to Your Doorstep with Lèlior's Subscription Service

At Lèlior, we believe that fragrance is a powerful tool for self-expression and mood-setting. That's why we've created a subscription service to ensure that you always have access to the scents that help you feel your best.

Here's how it works:

  1. Choose your favorite fragrance oils or other products from our wide selection.
  2. Select how often you'd like to receive your deliveries, whether it's every month, every two months, or every three months.
  3. Relax and enjoy the convenience of having your fragrances delivered straight to your doorstep, without the hassle of reordering.

As a subscriber, you'll enjoy exclusive benefits such as discounted pricing on each shipment, early access to new product releases, and the ability to customize your subscription to suit your changing needs. Plus, our subscription service is completely flexible, so you can pause, cancel, or modify your subscription at any time.

At Lèlior, we're committed to making your fragrance experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible. With our subscription service, you'll always have your favorite fragrances on hand, and you'll never have to worry about running out again.

Ready to subscribe? Sign up now and experience the convenience and benefits of Lèlior's subscription service.